Begin maart bereikte ons dit bericht van de International Society for Blood Transfusion, ISBT:
“On March 1st ISBT membership renewal started and we are proud to introduce to you two new membership categories; Transfusion Practitioner and Allied Health Professional. Both groups receive a significant reduction on their ISBT membership fee (€60,- per jaar, red.). It may be that there are some members of your working party who will fall into these two new categories. Please can you mail around your working party membership to share this information with them.

Over the recent years ISBT has increased its focus on developing its relationships with specialty groups such as Transfusion Practitioners (TP), mainly led by the TP subgroup of the Clinical Transfusion Working Party. With three TP-events programmed for the Toronto Congress we look forward to welcoming many TPs to our society.
Through the introduction of these two new membership categories ISBT hopes develop a connection with new members who will significantly contribute to our core mission: to enhance transfusion practice all over the world through sharing knowledge. We realise it is difficult to give an exact job title or job description of what an Allied Health Professional or a Transfusion Practitioner encompasses. On the ISBT website you will find documents listing various job titles that are considered Allied Health Professionals ( or Transfusion Practitioner ( If any of your working party members deems themselves a member of these categories but does not find their current job title in the list please feel free to contact ISBT Central Office ( and we will determine whether they are eligible.

As an active member of our Society we ask you to help us connect with potential new Allied Health Professionals or Transfusion Practitioners who could benefit from the benefits of ISBT membership. For a quick overview of the benefits of ISBT membership please consult the website.

Zie ook:

ISBT lidmaatschap voor Transfusion Practitioners en Allied Health Professionals

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