Participants are requested to submit an abstract NO LATER THAN 1 May 2024.
All abstracts will be evaluated by our Committee, and contributors that wish to give an oral presentation will be notified if they are selected within 1 month after the above closure date.


    • Only abstracts submitted in English will be reviewed
    • You need to submit your abstract using the form below
    • Abstracts must not exceed 300 words (1 A4)
    • Do not use images or graphics, text only (tables allowed)
    • Please list all authors (underline the presenter in PDF or word file)
    • Use superscript number to refer to affiliations (in PDF or Word file)
    • Please structure your abstract as: i) introduction, ii) methods, iii) conclusions / expected results
    • Upload also your abstract as a PDF or Word file before submitting

Do you want to know more about this Symposium, or do you have questions?
Please contact us via

Abstract submission ESPGI 2024